For a little while myself and some friends have been thinking about starting a collective of people to work on different projects together. It’s an awesome idea and its starting to get moving now as well, which is even better! The idea is being led by Emilia Buggins who I have worked with quite a lot in the past (pretty much all the web sites I’ve done have been with her, bar my own, and she’s responsible for my original Pig on a Hill logo).
The collective is currently dubbed ‘Sisu’ which is a Finnish term that is “loosely translated into English as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity.”
(Thank you Wikipedia.)
Sisu is a collective of people from different areas of media. As of this time there are 5 people in total (including myself) contributing. Emilia Buggins, Michael Reed, Antonia Heslop, Christina Jager and James Barrow (me). When we get an initial site up and running we will all get to write a bit about who we are and what we do but for now you can click on there names and go to there web sites.
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