Dog Bins 2.0 is here!
So it’s been a long time coming but I finally made some time out of my work hours a couple of weeks ago to blast through the final bits I had to do with updating Dog Bins. This morning it got passed through the review process with Apple and is currently being “processed for the App Store”. So hopefully by the time you read this, you’ll be able to update, if you iOS 7 device hasn’t automatically done it for you that is.
Dog Bins 2.0 is totally rebuilt, pretty much from the ground up. DB was my first app that felt with external sources for getting and saving information. So it had quite a few rookie errors in it. They’re the type of things you don’t realise you did something badly until you’ve gone away, learnt how to actually done it, come back and look at you old code and cringe. It happens a lot in the computing world, mainly due to the fact you are constantly learning something new as people are constantly creating new things and ways of doing these things.
The update includes a much needed design cleanse, simpler, more to the point and with the flat elegance that iOS 7 brought us last year. It also seriously improves the speed issues 1.X was plagued by as well as optimisations. All this has come with a little drawback of DB 2.0 being only available for iOS 7+. This is mainly due to the amount of new features available in iOS 7 that just aren’t there in previous versions, along with having to basically make 2 designs for the app to fit into the old look. For the first time since iPhone OS 3.2 we’ve had some of the biggest changes in iOS and sadly that means cutting support for older devices. So to all you iPhone 3GS owners out there, I’m sorry, but maybe it’s time for an upgrade.